Welcome to the Physical Education (PE) curriculum at KIS School, where we prioritise the cultivation of skills, knowledge, and a lifelong commitment to health, fitness, and active living. Our comprehensive programme goes beyond traditional exercise routines, as we believe that PE is an essential component of a well-rounded education.

By engaging in age-appropriate physical activities and understanding the importance of regular exercise, our pupils develop the tools and mindset necessary to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle beyond their school years. Our pupils will acquire the skills necessary to make informed choices about their physical health, allowing them to make conscious decisions regarding exercise, nutrition, and overall well-being.

The benefits of developing these skills and knowledge extend far beyond physical health. Engaging in regular exercise and understanding fitness principles has been shown to positively impact pupils’ lives, both now and in the future. Physical activity enhances cognitive abilities, improves concentration, and boosts academic performance. It also cultivates self-confidence and resilience, empowering pupils to overcome challenges and achieve personal goals in all aspects of life.

Moreover, our curriculum focuses on fostering essential skills in effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Through engaging in team-based games and activities, our pupils will develop these skills as they collaborate with their peers to achieve shared goals.

At KIS School, our PE curriculum aims to set our pupils on a trajectory towards an active, healthy, and fulfilling future. We believe that these skills not only contribute to their physical well-being but also promote cognitive development, enhance academic performance, foster self-confidence, and cultivate mental and emotional resilience. Our commitment to instilling a lifelong appreciation for physical activity equips our pupils with the tools they need to lead vibrant, productive lives, both inside and outside the classroom.

What will pupils learn?

  • In this subject, pupils will acquire a wide range of valuable knowledge and skills. It revolves around the notion of learning through movement and using movement as a means of learning. Through age-appropriate physical activities and games, pupils will:
  • Enhance their confidence by progressively gaining control, fluency, and versatility in their movements.
  • Deepen their understanding of concepts, rules, tactics, strategies, and compositional ideas related to physical activities and sports.
  • Engage respectfully and responsibly, ensuring appropriate and safe participation.
  • Expand their knowledge and understanding of how physical education contributes to a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • Develop transferable skills that foster physical, cognitive, and social growth, enabling them to become independent, critical, and reflective movers and thinkers.
  • Moreover, these subjects nurture the development of creative skills, which will prove beneficial in various aspects of pupils’ future learning and personal growth.

How is the subject taught?

This subject is taught through a broad range of learning zones, thought-provoking games and physical activities. It includes cooperative, competitive, athletic, adventurous and health-based contexts that are appropriate for each learning stage. Learners will move for as much of each lesson as possible, with activities designed to promote learners’ confidence, self-esteem, cognitive abilities and social skills. The programme is designed to complement, rather than replace, coaching in individual sports or physical activities.

PE Team:

  • Mr Lawrence Haywood (HOD Secondary)
  • Mr Jay Sajo (HOD Primary)
  • Ms Ivana Zdravkovic (PE Teacher)
  • Mr Murphy Sy (PE Teacher)

In lower secondary PE, pupils expand upon the motor skills they acquired during their primary school years while simultaneously developing their cognitive abilities and gaining a comprehensive understanding of games, fitness, and health. To achieve these goals, we employ various effective methods:

A. Regular Guided Discussions: Pupils actively participate in guided discussions led by their teachers. These discussions provide a platform for exploring different aspects of PE, allowing pupils to delve deeper into topics and gain insights from their peers and teachers. By actively engaging in these discussions, pupils develop a deeper and more holistic understanding of the subject matter.

B. Learning Zones (Drills): We incorporate learning zones in our curriculum, where pupils focus on specific skills and movements by breaking them down into manageable components. Through targeted drills and exercises, pupils develop their technique, coordination, and overall proficiency. This hands-on approach enables them to grasp the intricacies of various movements and skills, enhancing their overall understanding of PE.

C. Small-Sided Games: In addition to discussions and learning zones, we integrate small-sided games into our curriculum. These games provide pupils with real-life scenarios where they can apply the skills and knowledge they have acquired. By participating in these games, pupils experience firsthand the practical application of their learning, enabling them to develop strategic thinking, decision-making abilities, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. This practical approach further deepens their understanding of games, fitness, and health.

By combining regular guided discussions, learning zones, and small-sided games, we create a dynamic and comprehensive learning environment in lower secondary PE. These methods ensure that pupils not only enhance their motor skills but also develop their cognitive abilities and gain a deeper, more holistic understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles in PE.

Six Key Strands

In the lower PE curriculum for the upcoming school year, we have structured the programme around six key strands that will guide our lessons throughout the academic year. These strands encompass a diverse range of physical education components to engage and develop our pupils. The six strands include Fitness Testing and Athletics, Hand-Eye Games, Health and Fitness, Invasion Games, Recreation Games, and Game Making. Each strand will run for 6 weeks, allowing for gradual progression and in-depth exploration of various skills and concepts within each area. This structured approach aims to provide our pupils with a comprehensive and well-rounded physical education experience, fostering their growth and enjoyment in physical activity and sports.

You can find posters with more information on the six strands below


In addition to the practical aspects covered by the six strands in our Physical Education curriculum, pupils will also delve into theoretical components that are essential for their overall understanding and future applications. This theoretical knowledge, directly linked to Physical Education, is designed to equip pupils with valuable information that can be beneficial in their later lives. Drawing from the content outlined in the PE iGCSE syllabus, this theoretical learning will cover a broad range of topics such as anatomy, physiology, sports psychology, nutrition, and training methodologies. By integrating theoretical aspects into their learning experience, pupils will not only enhance their practical skills but also develop a deeper understanding of the principles that underpin physical activity and sports performance, preparing them for a well-rounded engagement with physical education both in and beyond the classroom.

KIS PE Theory Organiser


The Junior Athletic Development (JAD) programme is an innovative addition to our curriculum that will run alongside our main physical education programme. This specialised programme is designed to enhance pupils’ physical and athletic abilities by incorporating a brief, focused warm-up at the beginning of each lesson. Lasting just five minutes, the JAD programme aims to lay the foundation for building pupils’ posture, movement, agility, coordination, speed and strength. By integrating these targeted exercises into the daily routine, pupils will not only improve their physical capabilities, but also develop essential athletic skills that are vital for their holistic growth and performance in various physical activities and sports. This programme will help pupils to better control and understand their bodies, setting them up for a healthy and functional lifestyle.

The JAD Programme is delivered through four foundational categories: Strength and Stability, Coordination, Proprioception, and Speed. Each of these categories acts as a crucial building block, forming the base of a solid pyramid of athletic development. This progressive approach ensures that our young athletes build a strong and stable foundation for their athletic journey, setting them up for success in the future.

Junior Athletic Development Programme

Years 10 and 11

We acknowledge the significant benefits of physical activity on cognitive learning, with research indicating that regular exercise can enhance cognitive functions, improve focus, and reduce stress levels, ultimately contributing to academic success. Therefore, as pupils in years 10 and 11 approach their exams, the upper secondary curriculum will shift its focus from traditional learning to prioritise physical activity for health and well-being. Pupils will participate in a vibrant weekly sports block designed to offer them physical engagement, friendly competition, and a stress relief opportunity. This block will encompass a variety of sports and activities, nurturing skill enhancement and a sense of teamwork. Activities will range across different categories, including popular invasion sports like football and capture the flag, racket and bat sports such as rounders and badminton, and sessions emphasising health and fitness.

Years 12 and 13

Given that Year 12 and 13 represent a crucial phase in pupils’ transition to the real world, the senior programme has been specifically crafted to align with the academic priorities of pupils, while emphasising personal responsibility for their physical health and well-being. As a result, instead of a weekly sports block, pupils in these years will have the option to partake in a dedicated activity session each week, enabling them to select from a range of sports and physical pursuits. Moreover, there will be a monthly activity excursion available on a voluntary basis, featuring a blend of competitive sports like basketball, as well as opportunities to explore novel activities such as horse riding or rock climbing. This adaptable and diverse programme is designed to harmonise academic demands with physical wellness, allowing pupils to remain active, manage stress, and cultivate new interests beyond their academic endeavours.

This initiative is a fresh concept that will undergo continuous evaluation as we endeavour to provide enriching experiences for our upper secondary pupils during their academic journey. To enhance the curriculum and provide a diverse experience, this programme will evolve consistently throughout the year. We are proactively forming collaborations with external partners to expand the range of activities accessible to our pupils, guaranteeing a broad selection of sports and fitness options that accommodate various interests and capabilities. With this dynamic and flexible curriculum, our goal is to foster physical wellness, teamwork, and a lasting fondness for sports and an active lifestyle among our pupils

This course is designed to delve deeper into various aspects of physical education, including anatomy, physiology, sports psychology, nutrition, and training methodologies. By introducing the iGCSE PE course, we aim to provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of sports science and practical skills, that will not only enrich their academic experience but also prepare them for potential future pursuits in sports-related fields. Through this course, pupils will have the opportunity to explore advanced concepts and practical applications in physical education, fostering a deeper appreciation and mastery of sports and exercise science.


We are excited to introduce our newly launched Games programme, designed to offer our pupils enhanced opportunities to refine their skills in specific sports within appropriate facilities under the guidance of trained teachers and coaches. The goal of this programme is not only to expose our pupils to a variety of sports but also to elevate our school’s standing to a level where we can compete with other prestigious schools in Hong Kong, enhancing our school’s sporting prestige and identity. Additionally, the programme ensures that our pupils have access to the necessary facilities, creating an optimal environment for enhancing their abilities and performance.

Throughout the year, the programme will feature a rotation of different sports aligned with Hong Kong school’s competition. Pupils will engage in lessons structured more like training sessions focused on specific sports over several weeks, with sport-specific drills and skills being emphasised in each session. This approach not only provides pupils with exposure to quality coaching across various sports but also offers them the chance to showcase their talents and potentially represent the school within our sports teams.

The PE department and students of KIS have developed “PE Commitments” that we make to each other that we promise to try and achieve every PE Lesson.

  1. Be safe
  2. To be ready to learn
  3. Be respectful to yourself, others and the environment around you.
  4. To always try your best and have fun!

This comprehensive Physical Education (PE) Policy is designed for the students of Korean International School. The policy aims to promote an active, healthy lifestyle by providing a diverse and engaging PE curriculum that fosters physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

Formative assessment is an ongoing process that is conducted from lesson to lesson through observations during activities, whilst the summative assessment is used at the end of each unit against a rubric in order to help feedback performance at home.

1. Assessment criteria will include skill development, effort, improvement, teamwork, sportsmanship, and participation.

2. Feedback will be provided to students in the form of verbal comments, written evaluations, and parent-teacher conferences.

3. The PE department will regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of the PE curriculum and make necessary adjustments to ensure it meets the needs and interests of the students

  • Sports Day at KIS is a thrilling event that unites students, teachers, and parents in a day of friendly competition and team spirit. With a wide range of sports activities, it promotes teamwork, sportsmanship, and perseverance. The atmosphere is electric, filled with cheers and support from everyone involved. It’s a day that creates lasting memories and celebrates the power of sports to inspire and bring people together.
  • The Swimming Gala at KIS is a splash of excitement and determination as our young swimmers take to the pool. With colourful swim caps and goggles, they display their skills and showcase their love for swimming. The cheers from the sidelines fuel their energy as they race against their classmates, striving for personal bests and team victories. The Swim Gala fosters a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition, teaching our students the importance of sportsmanship and perseverance. It’s a day filled with laughter, cheers, and the joy of swimming, creating memories that will last a lifetime.